Thank you for your visit to this page. You already stepped in the first stage to do service to humanity.

It will be a great pleasure to invite you as BFI member. Please go through the below points which new members are expected to know.


1. I understand ‘Build Future India - Educational and Charitable Trust’ (henceforth termed as ‘BFI) is fully service oriented group.
2. I agree that I do service through BFI, not for my own name and fame.
3. I assure that I am not holding any position in any political parties now and throughout my membership period.
4. While performing service through BFI, I assure that I will not show any partiality towards any specific religion, caste, creed, gender, political party, place, language.
5. I understand that I am answerable to any of the expense I do through BFI accounts.
6. I am aware that there would be ‘General Body Meeting’ (GBM) conducted in a frequency of 2 years, when there would be new leader selected.
7. I agree that I will never call for any election to select BFI Leader (Leader shall always selected unanimously).
8. I understand that I could only suggest any ideas for improving the way of performing the services through BFI, but final decision would be taken only by ‘Leader’
9. I understand that the above terms and conditions may get amendments at any time when required.
10.I understand that I am eligible for BFI membership only if I fully agree/aware of all the above terms.

Group Leader:
1. He/She should be a member of BFI
2. He/She  should have capable to lead the team towards goal
3. He/She  should be very clear with the scope of BFI
4. He/She  is fully authorised to take decision, but he can receive consensus
5. He/She  should be non-religious, non-community based, non-profitable and full dedicated mind set
6. His/Her movement should not to hurt, criticise, anger, threaten, not to make problematic issues to others/Institution
7. He/She  should comply with transparency of maintaining balance sheet, activities, project plans and executions
8. He/She  should not illegal with the BFI resources, like disclosing name, details, members, etc.
9. He/She  should ensure that the project activities are executed

Rights and Responsibilities:
1. He/She  can approve or reject the member at any case after the discussion with the core members.
2. He/She  is freely allowed to release up to RS 10,000/ and manage the fund owned by BFI for the approved projects
3. He/She  can assign the projects to organisers/ Members, and make them accountable for the allowed project cost.
4. He/She  is the prime responsible owner for all the on-going projects
5. Under any circumstances if mal-practices found in the running project, he can stop the funds, cancel the project, reduction of budgeted cost or change the organisers/ Members involved and take severe actions upon them with the full support of BFI members.
6. He/She can monitor, audit directly or appoint team for any project.


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